I’m not going to type out a whole DNI, I’ll just block you if I don’t want you interacting with me.



I have had this account since I was 13 years old and have never once gone back to clean up or delete old tweets. I was a stupid kid who was really into proshipping stuff when I was too young to understand why it was bad, and it took me until I was an adult to realize that sort of content was not okay and it was not okay for other people to have been exposing me to it when I was a minor.

I am a grown man now. My tweets from when I was a child no longer reflect my thoughts or beliefs. Please disregard them. I don’t know how to delete them all.That being said, lets get into the proper BYFYou don't have to tw tag anything for me really my bullshit tolerance is super high
that being said, I do post about the following somewhat often:

  • Animals of all kinds (including weird/"gross" ones)

  • Food

  • Body horror (usually discussion, i try to tag images)

  • general horror

  • some discourse (I hate it and try to avoid it though)

  • Sexual/NSFW content

Normally I do my best to tag things, but if anything in the above bulleted list especially bothers you, I am either unwilling to tag it or I post about it often enough that you probably shouldn't even bother

click funnie cat dot gif again